Humans are information-processing machines that operate on internal and external signalling. Some of the information flow, for example, on a molecular level, is hidden from our everyday experience. At the same time, other parts are more exposed and evident, such as the fact that you are reading this sentence. Larger entities—families, organisations, countries—all receive, process, and store information, even though the mechanisms and their decomposition may vary. Information sources like thoughts, books, conversations, or visuals launch the processing machinery. Then, intentional or not, we sort, analyse and organise the information to discard it or use it in the future. We store the bits deemed valuable and revisit meaningful and useful entries.
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Information flow
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Humans are information-processing machines that operate on internal and external signalling. Some of the information flow, for example, on a molecular level, is hidden from our everyday experience. At the same time, other parts are more exposed and evident, such as the fact that you are reading this sentence. Larger entities—families, organisations, countries—all receive, process, and store information, even though the mechanisms and their decomposition may vary. Information sources like thoughts, books, conversations, or visuals launch the processing machinery. Then, intentional or not, we sort, analyse and organise the information to discard it or use it in the future. We store the bits deemed valuable and revisit meaningful and useful entries.